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Tom Morello schreibt Gedicht an Cornell

Cornells Audioslave-Kollege Tom Morello, der zu den ersten engen Vertrauten gehörte, die sich öffentlich zu Wort meldeten, veröffentlichte am Wochenende ein Gedicht, das er dem Verstorbenen widmete:

You're a prince, you're a snare, you're a shadow

You're twilight and star burn and shade

You're a sage, you're a wound shared, you're masked

You're a pillar of smoke, you're a platinum heart

You're a brush fire, you're caged, you're free

Your vision pierces, you do not see

You are pieces strewn on the hillside

You're open armed, you're armed, you're true

You're a revealer of visions, you're the passenger, you're a never fading scar

You're twilight and star burn and shade

You're the secret veiled, you're the secret revealed, you're surrounded no more

You're not there, now you're always here

Youre a handsome groom, a loving father, a haunted stairwell

You're the clear bell ringing, the mountains echo your song

Maybe no one has ever known you

You are twilight and star burn and shade.

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