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März 2013

Sicher eine der geilsten Dumpfbacken-Stories in 2013: Frei.Wild-Fans wollen die Ausbootung ihrer Helden bei der Echo-Verleihung rächen und schmieren anstelle der Facebookseiten der verhassten Frei.Wild-Kritiker MIA und Kraftklub die Seiten von M.I.A. und Kraftwerk voll.

Ein deutscher User fasste sich ein Herz und postete folgendes auf dem M.I.A.-Facebook-Account: "Dear M.I.A, on behalf of (fortunately) the larger part of the German population (i.e. all those who can read and have some basic understanding of how to use the internet and facebook) I would like to apologize for what is going on here. In case that bing/google translator/etc should be unable to translate these comments, that's because those who post them are not even able to express their tiny minds in their mother tongue, at least not in ways that any algorithm based on linguistic logic might be able to understand. Anyway, not all of Germany is that stupid, and we hope that the moronic hordes have not discouraged you from playing shows here."

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