- Leserwertung: 1 Punkte
- Redaktionswertung: 3 Punkte
Lil B The Hunchback of BasedGod
Kritik von Mirco LeierTrackliste
- 1. Welcome to Old BasedWorld
- 2. Staring Out My Window
- 3. The Many Sides of a Genius
- 4. Ain't Gon Pick Up
- 5. Hunchback of Based God
- 6. Berkeley San Fransisco It's the BasedGod
- 7. Outer Mission Music
- 8. Wake Up Get High Go Back to Sleep
- 9. Video Game That I Still Play
- 10. I Rather Die Then Go Home
- 11. Crying in the Club
- 12. Voyage to Berkeley California
- 13. Across the Sea
- 14. Where Is The Potion
- 15. Riverdance
- 16. Wolves and Snakes
- 17. Meeting on UC Berkeley Campus Today
- 18. Artistic or Autistic
- 19. Free 03
- 20. Rhode Island
- 21. I'm Depressed Again
- 22. Cafe Au Coquelet
- 23. Downtown Berkeley Protest
- 24. Bring the BasedGod and Lil B Gifts
- 25. Body Shaming
- 26. Stopped Talkin but I Still Rap
- 27. The Waterfront West Berkeley at Night
- 28. Games of Berkeley and Magic Cards
- 29. Walking Through Albany California
- 30. The Sound of Being Bullied
- 31. No Longer Afraid of the Dark
- 32. Nepal Wants the BasedGod
- 33. Taxi Around Town
- 34. Berkely California Before Lil B
- 35. Christmas in East Oakland
- 36. Hawaiian Background
- 37. Damn We Still in the Forest
- 38. Getting on the Freeway
- 39. The Uncertain New Life
- 40. I Got Uncomfortable and Succeeded
- 41. Lots of Biddies Based Freestyle
- 42. Back Of The Maybach
- 43. Rhode Island Prayer
- 44. Feel No Pain Based Freestyle
- 45. Get That Money Based Freestyle
- 46. Still the Rawest Out Based Freestyle
- 47. Always Been Alone Based Freestyle
- 48. Sex Symbol Because I Always Been Alone Based Freestyle
- 49. Making Money in the Room Based Freestyle
- 50. It's All Me Good and Bad Based Freestyle
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